Snapshot in front of mess hall, Sheridan Kaserne, 1955.
Buddies, Sheridan Kaserne, 1955.
Parade with M47 Patton tanks, Sheridan Kaserne 1955.
Parade with 106mm recoilless rifle, Sheridan Kaserne, 1955.
H-13 Sioux Light Utility / Observation Helicopter, Sheridan Kaserne, Dawson Field, 1955.
Far from home: GI at southern area of wintry Sheridan Kaserne, 1955.
Photos above: Arthur Muns, 5th Infantry Division.
More scenes and spots from 50 years of daily routine at the kasernes. These can only provide a very exemplary insight into the military routine.
Engineers visiting the new POL storage area at Quarter Master Kaserne at the beginning of the 1950s. (Photo: Reise House).
From the very beginning, soldiers of different skin color left their marks on the kasernes. (Photo: Dillon Prendergast).
A proud 11th Airborne Division paratrooper at Sheridan Kaserne, 1956. (Photo: Dillon Prendergast).
A Christmas parcel from faraway home, Gablingen Kaserne, 1957. A happy paratrooper is showing a photo gallery of his little son. (Photo: Carl Stiber).
A beer among buddies in the barracks, around 1957. (Photo: Dillon Prendergast).
Parade at Sheridan Kaserne, around 1957. (Photo: Dillon Prendergast).
Honor Guard trumpeters of the 11th Airborne Division at Sheridan Kaserne, 1957. (Photo: Dillon Prendergast).
A breather on a 105 mm howitzer, around 1960. Sheridan Chapel in the backkground.
An evening in the barracks, Gablingen Kaserne, around 1960. (Photo: John Slattery).
Arrivals - depatures, post saw a permanent rotation of GIs. Here at Sheridan Kaserne, around 1968. (Photo: Dave Moss).
Winter scene at the southern tank hardstand, Sheridan Kaserne, 1970s.
Snapshot on and in front of M113 Armored Personnel Carrier at Reese Barracks, 1963. (Photo: John J. Bates).
M60 Main Battle Tank, engine repair. Two bridgelayers in the background, late 1970s. (Photo: DeWitt, Joe Austin).
Departure for training, 1970s.
Truck driver at the motor pool, 1960s. (Photo: Jürgen Centner).
Gate guard, Field Station, Gablingen, 1980s.
Coffee break with snacks, Flak Kaserne, beginning 1980s.
Artillery soldiers gathering in their best outfits at Reese Barracks, 1970s.
Promotion by superior, Reese Barracks. (Photo: Curt Nutbrown).
Nothing is finished until the paperwork is done.
Leisure time in the quarters: Enjoying music via headphone speakers.
Modern leisure equipment in the quarters was a common sight in the later years. Furnishings were however sparely and desolate until the 1970s.
Howitzers are moved onto railway wagons at Oberer Schleisweg loading station between Bärenkeller and Kriegshaber. From there, the U.S. troops transported their heavy equipment to the Grafenwöhr and Hohenfels Training Areas.
Artillery handshake at Reese Barracks, 1980s.
Fending off intruder attacks. Training at Flak Kaserne, 1980. (Photo: Brent Rutherford).
Lining up at dawn, 204th MI Bn, Flak Kaserne, 1990. (Photo: Michael Leary).
Presentation ceremony, Flak Kaserne, 1990. (Photo: Michael Leary).
On duty. Scene in a Building 208 hallway, Flak Kaserne, 1990. (Photo: Michael Leary).
"Drawing rations" at Flak Kaserne Mess Hall, 1990. Food was prepared strictly to nutritional values. (Photo: Michael Leary).
BBQ was and still is a typical American leisure time ritual, here at Flak Kaserne. (Photo: Glenn Herrin).
All photos, unless where noted otherwise: Archives, Amerika in Augsburg e.V.