After the Augsburg base closure by the U.S., the inside of the buildings revealed an impressive variety of mural paintings by U.S. soldiers to the visitor. Predominant were the ensignia of the respective units, but there were also fanciful statements of duty and leisure as well as military slogans and other symbols.
The soldiers thus expressed their pride in, identity with and connection to their military unit, while, at the same time, enhancing optically the (sometimes) sad atmosphere of the kasernes. From basement to attic, in stairwells and commonly used areas, everywhere the paintings, assumedly officially made (or tolerated), showed a very specific U.S. military culture. They were a big help for the historical identification of building utilizations.
The following examples prove a remarkable creativity, which disappeared into oblivion when the kasernes were demolished. Amerika in Augsburg e.V. would like to recall these (unknown) soldier-artists to the public mind. Most impressive were two works of art in Sheridan Kaserne: An overdimensional Stars and Stripes billowing in the wind, found in the attic gym of Bldg 125 (former motor pool bldg) as well as a huge scene of a river crossing under fire in the main stairwell of Headquarters Bldg 101.