Location Augsburg
Facilities and Construction
Barracks Life
Naming Real Property
Culture and Leisure

Sheridan Recreation Center


One of the most idyllic buildings of Sheridan Kaserne, surrounded by a mass of deciduous shade trees, was the Recreation Center at the athletic field / parade ground. For decades, building 112 served as a Recreation Center for the U.S. Military Community. Almost hidden by a screen of abundant foliage, nothing was left of the typical military installation character. The building was erected by the Wehrmacht in 1936/7 as training center of the Luftnachrichtenkaserne, connected at right angle to billet building 110 by a walkway.

It is on record that in1950 the interior of the building was altered - without influencing the stylistic elements of the typical Wehrmacht architecture. Wooden paneling of walls and posts as well as arches and visible girders remained.

According to drawings, the building was a NCO Club in 1959, later a Recreation Center. A big reading and lounge area with red leather easy-chairs was the center of the access area. There were multi-purpose and music rooms as well as a photo studio with an adjoining lab. A ceramic and a joinery shop featured handicraft. There were even cooking courses.

It is sad to realize that even this place was not saved during the still ongoing conversion of the kaserne. It would have been worthwhile to spare this tree-framed building. Now, only idyllic photos are able to remind of the leisure activities of Augsburg’s gone U.S. Army.


                                                          Main entrance, Terry Allen Avenue


                                                    Fabulously hidden: The Recreation Center 


                                                         View and access from back side


                                                          Lounge 1970 (Foto: J. Volstadt)


                                      Bldgs 112 (left) and 110 (right) protected by splendid trees  


