In the decades of the U.S. Military presence, social life developed in and out of the kasernes, nevertheless marked by military as well as personal accents. A very special part played the elite events taking place in the Officers Club, Bldg. 180, Sheridan Kaserne. There were official receptions in stylish surroundings due to changes of command, reorganizations or deactivations of units, German-American friendship weeks, summer night balls, St. Barbara dinners, Thanksgiving, New Year’s receptions et cetera. The invitation brochures, usually several stitched pages, contained narratives in regard to the event, agenda, biographies of concerned personage, dress code and menu, as well as the fee for the menu. Aside from the brass hats, personage of Augsburg’s public life, honorary members of certain units and representatives of German-American clubs were invited. Besides, strictly private connections developed. The following pictures give an impression of Augsburg’s military-civilian society’s culture in the 1980s.
America and Augsburg at the same table: “Cheers” and “Zum Wohl”
Wearing the gala uniform of the field artillery: LTC Ross L. Nagy (right), then battalion commander (1986-1988), with one of his battery commanders.
Change of command. Even the spouses were involved.
Commander’s New Year’s reception
A German family’s open house.
LTC James Murphy (left) pays a visit.
Army Band concert in one of the gymnasiums, Feb 12, 1976. Left: COL Hurtt.
XO COL Boyd´s Farewell Party at the Officers Club, Sheridan Kaserne, July 26, 1984. Middle: BG Eckelbarger talking with Heinz Strüber of the DEH.
Augsburg Bimillennium Celebrations of the German-American Women´s Club at the Officers Club, Sheridan Kaserne, 1985.
German-American women meeting at the Officers Club, Sheridan Kaserne, 1989.
The Marineverein (Navy Association) Augsburg is giving the U.S. Naval Security Group Activity Augsburg (NSGAA) an official farewell at the ´Hubertushof´ inn in the spring of 1996: Chairman Hans Grimminger and Lieutenant Commander Karen A. Laino.